Advertising advice

Going the distance – how display and location effect banner design

Using visual advertising to promote your business or event is a proven way to increase customers, visitors, and profit. However, a poorly designed banner placed in an area where it is barely visible can limit the amount of extra custom you receive.

Avoid creating a low impact advert by making sure you consider display and location during the design process.

Where is your advert going to be displayed?

London - DTSPIs your advert going to be displayed overhead? Or is it going to be at ground level? The difference in location can dramatically change the design you need, so it is worth establishing where your advert is going to be positioned before beginning the design process.

Overhead banners often require larger text and fewer words, whereas ground level advertisements can say more with a smaller font.

Knowing the distance

Once you know where you’re going to display your banner, you need to work out the distance from where it is going to be read. The further away you want your banner to be seen, the larger font you’ll need to use during design.

Choosing the right product

Scaffolding-01From knowing location and reading distance, you can then make an informed decision about the type of product you require. Use PVC banners, polyester banners, or scaffolding banners for overhead adverts, or choose from a wider selection for ground level displays. Pavement signs, feather flags, posters, and café barriers are all great options for ground level adverts.

Big Value Banners print high quality bespoke banners for businesses and individuals. Our process is simple, choose your banner, upload your design or use our free design service, place your order and wait for our quick printing and delivery.

If you have any questions about our products or services, please do not hesitate to get in touch. You can call us on 01939 260 377 or fill in an enquiry form on our contact page.